What is Early Childhood Education?

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood education encompasses different forms of formal as well as informal education, provided to all the children up to 8 years of age. This education is fundamental as it helps in the development of the child and can significantly shape the later years of his life. As an informal education, it helps in building a child’s relationship with his parents or primary caregivers. This relationship is important between 0-2 years of age as the child begins to learn new things and develop its sense of self and establishes an attachment with its parents and other family members. Overall as per the expert early childhood education training provider, at this stage of life, can impact on a child’s future education.

The elements of an early childhood education certificate

From the past few years, there has been much debate over different attributes of an effective early childhood education training program, which is large because early childhood education is a relatively new field.

According to the early childhood education Ontario, the best early childhood education program consists of the following five important components:

  • It should provide a well-developed syllabus that supports all areas of development
  • It should address child health, and nutrition needs as part of a comprehensive service network.
  • It should assess children to enhance student learning and identify concerns
  • It should employ well-educated teachers
  • It should provide small-sized classrooms with low teacher-child ratios

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